Sunday, September 12, 2010

the beginning

"You made an introductory post in Life Drawing I, but I'm sure much has happened since then. Update us: what is your concentration? why are you taking Life Drawing II? what do you hope to learn? what are some other projects/artworks you've completed recently? what travel or internships have you done?"

I'm in my senior year now here at Stout and I'll be graduating in the spring as a studio art major with a minor in business administration. My concentration is painting. I'm taking Life Drawing II because I enjoyed Life Drawing I so much and I really feel I improved a lot in my drawing over the coarse of that semester. Now a year since I took Life Drawing I, I really want to revisit the fundamentals of observational drawing so that my paintings for my senior show ( I work with the figure) can be the best they can be. I hope to learn more about cross contour so that my people in my paintings seem more life like, and again I just want to improve over all on developing the figure. Humorously- I've noticed that in my paintings the heads on my figures are always slightly too large for their bodies, even though I always think I have the proportions right! So bodily proportions and scale is definitely something I want to work on for sure.

This summer I did a lot of traveling and took a number of credits to make sure I graduate on time in the spring. I took a solo trip to Europe early this summer in May and met up with a friend in Trier, Germany for quite the adventure. I took a lot of pictures and incorporated my experience abroad into artwork I did over the summer in my Drawing III class. Combining the sights and atmosphere I saw and felt while exploring Germany, Luxembourg, and Spain, with my experience abroad the previous year studying in London and Scotland- I created art reflecting my own personal journey physically and emotionally. I think the drawings turned out pretty good! I actually enjoyed the Drawing III class so much that it changed how I am considering what to create for my senior show. Previously solely working with portraiture and the figure in previous painting classes, I think I want to combine painting, drawing, and other mediums to not just work with the figure, but other things as well.

(Examples of my art over the summer are above)


  1. HARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER! the top one! You know i love that one, girl. Im going to try to work on proportions this semester too. I think thats the hardest part of life drawing--the getting everything to look and fit right. Lets not get too rowdy in class this semester like we do in our painting studio, eh? haha.

  2. Hi Lesley,
    I'm in Life Drawing II for some of the same reasons you are! But it's very interesting that our fields can be so different and still find this course extremely valuable (I'm a multimedia design major and want to improve on form for my 3D concept art and story boarding). I am jealous you got to travel this summer, that is one thing I really regret not doing is going abroad even just for fun! Good luck this semester!
