Monday, October 18, 2010

Skulls in Space

This past week we worked on really memorizing the form and shape of the skull. I thought I had been learning that all along since we had been drawing skulls, but was quickly brought to the realization that I don't know anything on Monday during class! We had a quick draw pre-test which basically meant we had to draw different views of the skull from memory. I failed miserably. Then we later corrected our drawings to help for our test that will be happening this Monday where we will do the same thing. I paid a lot more attention to the rises and falls of the skulls shape and the placement of certain parts of the skull, and I hope this will help me for the test.

Wednesday we started drawing skulls from other angles. At first I drew a skull that was titled on it's side, and it was probably the most horrible drawing I've done of a skull. The proportions were off and it was so bad I am not posting it on here. After we fended for ourselves for a little while on the angled skulls, Amy gave us some tips on how to correctly position the skull on our paper so that we could see the difference between what our drawings looked like, and how the skulls should actually feel in space. I used the box technique in the two above drawings to figure out the planes of the skull in space. I think it really helped me a lot because they now feel like they are in a distinctive place, in 3d, and my drawing and revisions of my drawing to make sure it was accurate give the drawings a sketchy quality. I really like my top drawing above with the two skulls because I think it has a good composition as well as accurate depiction of how the skulls feel in space.

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